Posted on 7/28/2023
Owning an electric vehicle (EV) is not just about embracing sustainable transportation - it also requires proper maintenance to keep your EV running smoothly and efficiently. While EVs have fewer moving parts compared to conventional vehicles, they still require attention and care. 1. Battery Management The battery is the heart of your EV, so it's crucial to take care of it. Keep an eye on the battery's state of charge (SOC) and avoid frequently draining it to extremely low levels or fully charging it unnecessarily. Optimal charging habits include maintaining the SOC between 20% and 80%. Utilize scheduled charging and take advantage of smart charging features available in many EVs to maximize battery life. 2. Efficient Charging Practices When charging your EV, use a high-quality charging cable and ensure it is properly connected. Regularly clean the charging port and cable connections to prevent any debris or dirt from interfering ... read more